Religion has a way, interestingly enough, of damning the soul, a truth I learned long ago. I grew up with a very legalistic understanding of Christianity. I still have etched in my memory the times I would answer the altar call at my grandmother’s church in order to regain again the salvation I had lost the week before. The gospel I heard preached was that Jesus saves but it is up to each individual to stay saved by a series of duties as well as the impossible task of remaining sinless. The idea was cultivated in me that if I sinned even once I was lost and destined to @#!*% . This mixed with some unfortunate circumstances pertaining to the birth defects that I inherited, caused me to begin to hate God. The hatred that had been cultivated over those years would not be realized until I received Christ later in life. This hatred seems to be a bit of an oddity in hindsight given the path that God has lead me to. Yet, it was religion that played a major role in causing me to hate God.
Such a perversion of the gospel instilled in me neurotic emotions, bitterness, hatred, and a volcanic anger. Fortunately, though, this is not where the story ends, which is the beautiful thing about the power of the Gospel. Christ, when fully realized, has a way of melting the heart of the hardest hearted jade. To see Jesus dying for my sins is to see the most incredible act of love I know. R. C. Sproll was right when he said, “The sweetest fragrance, the most beautiful aroma that God has ever detected emanating from this planet, was the aroma of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus that was offered once and for all on the cross.” It was at the cross that I was able to let go the condemnation, insecurity, and a warped view of the Creator. This all took place as a result of letting go the salvation by works nonsense, and embrace what the Bible teaches. George Whitfield was shocked at the idea that someone would believe a salvation by works stating, “What! Get to heaven on your own strength? Why, you might as well try to climb to the moon on a rope of sand!” The truth is, is that it is difficult to rest on God’s grace alone given mankind’s propensity to give in to pride and demand that we can save ourselves. As Sproll correctly points out, “we don’t want to live by a heavenly welfare system. We want to earn our own way and atone for our own sins. We like to think that we will go to heaven because we deserve to be there.” This idea must be abandoned for one to have eternal life.
What I came to believe on that night in October 1989 sitting in my grandmother’s family room, was that Jesus Christ died for me and I simply needed to repent of my sin and trust Him completely for salvation. In doing so, I would not have to earn my salvation. As a result of trusting Christ alone, I no longer doubt God’s love for me and I have given up on religion completely. You see religion seeks to reach up to God and try to get God’s approval. Jesus, however, reached down, paid the penalty for my sin, and extended to me his offer of salvation. I didn’t have to be good enough, I just needed to let go of my pride, repent of my sin, and allow Christ to come in my heart. This is how I lost my religion and found Jesus. As a result, today I spend my days not trying earn God’s approval, but enjoying the relationship that I now have with God.
This is so beautiful!!!! It is amazing how the world and the religious establishment tries to put the legalistic condemnation on those who are freed, in The Lord. I must confess that I have fallen for it several times! The Lord always reminds me what He did for me. Thank you for this write:)
ReplyDeleteThanks! God is good!